Installation of Dirb on Kali Linux
Introduction to Dirb – Kali Linux Last Updated : 01 Sep, 2023 Dirb is an online directory scanner that searches web servers for hidden files, directories, and pages. It is a free and open-source utility included in the Kali Linux distribution, a popular operating system for penetration testing and ethical hacking. Dirb may be used to detect typical web server folders and files, such as admin pages, backup files, and configuration files. It operates by sending HTTP queries to the server and analyzing the answers to identify the existence of a file or directory. Working It features an internal word list file with roughly 4000 words for brute force attacks. There are many updated wordlists accessible on the internet that may be utilized as well. Dirb scans every directory or object of a website or server for the terms in its wordlist. There might be an admin panel or a subfolder that is under assault. The trick is to locate the things, which are usually hidden. Installation of Dirb o...