Armitage - r00t0v3rr1d3 / Armitage Public forked from
============================================================================= <Armitage - 12/05/2022> ============================================================================= Thanks to redcanari for the fixes and updates - I forked from his work. Instructions for Armitage on Kali 2022.3 with latest updates. Java 18 breaks EVERYTHING, so avoid for now. Do everything below within a root prompt!: msfdb init edit /etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf on the line 97 (IPV4 local connections) switch “scram-sha-256” to “trust” systemctl enable postgresql systemctl stop postgresql systemctl start postgresql java -version if it says anything other than 11, lets go way back - because why not: apt update; apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk update-alternatives --config java choose the openjdk-11 as the default. then run java -version to make sure it is good to go. cd /opt git clone cd armitage ./ cd release/unix ./ar...